Spell Spotlight: Silvery Barbs
Silvery barbs, a caster’s new best friend. This spell is strong and accessible. This article will serve to clarify many interactions, and show its great power.
Silvery barbs, a caster’s new best friend. This spell is strong and accessible. This article will serve to clarify many interactions, and show its great power.
Wish, the prototypical level 9 spell, is quite possibly the best spell in the game. However, there is one big flaw. Find out how to best use wish in your games!
Find familiar is an incredibly versatile D&D 5E spell deserving of all its praise. This guide goes deep into tactics, uses and rating for all familiars!
The Circle of Wildfire Druid is still surprisingly hot even without fireball. Combining both flair and a whole bag of tricks, this newcomer is a top tier Druid!
D&D 5E is built on bounded accuracy. So what’s better, boosting your primary ability score or grabbing a feat? Everything you need to know about ASIs vs feats!
Upcasting is casting a spell that is of lower level than the level of the spell slot being used to cast it. When should you upcast and which spells upcast well?
A skirmisher has high melee damage and mobility, and the ability to move in and out of melee while avoiding enemy attacks. Problem: it doesn’t work well in 5E!
Haste does a number of things. Some of them are even decent. All together, do these add up to a 3rd level spell worth casting and concentrating on?
This guide describes how to best implement magic items into your campaign, including the upsides and downsides of various approaches.
Most people think of locate object as extremely niche, if they think of it at all. It’s better than you might think, even worth preparing daily!