DnD 5E Quick Build Series: Divine Souls
Author: seacliff

This article presents two optimized, single-classed D&D 5E builds for the Divine Soul Sorcerer Subclass. One build uses Custom Lineage from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything and one build uses the Hobgoblin as presented in Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
Build Variants
We will be featuring two separate Divine Soul Sorcerer Quick Builds.
The first features Custom Lineage for easy adaptability with other races, particularly Variant Human, and is also limited to only using content from the Player’s Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
The second features the Hobgoblin from Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Martial Training provides proficiency in Light Armor, which opens up the door for the Moderately Armored feat. Given Divine Soul’s unique ability to learn the spirit guardians spell, taking advantage of one of the few methods to drastically improve defenses without multiclassing becomes invaluable. This version uses the original Volo’s Guide to Monsters printing of the Hobgoblin, as opposed to the revision featured in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.
Custom Lineage Divine Soul Sorcerer
Optimization level: mid.
Custom Lineage Divine Soul takes a unique playstyle with its ability to pick spells from the Cleric spell list, allowing access to great spells like bless, spirit guardians, and conjure celestial. Favored by the Gods is an excellent defensive ability that helps with failed saves, and Angelic Form gives you access to permanent concentration-free flight which is useful even when obtained near the end of a campaign. Even though they have an AC that’s lower than a Cleric, they can still stay safe while still effectively using spirit guardians by kiting enemies while their movements are halved by the effects of that spell, but casting spirit guardians is not as often the correct answer to as many situations as it would be for a normal Cleric.
Race – Custom Lineage
Feat – Fey Touched
Variable Trait – Darkvision
Ability Scores
8 STR, 14+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 12 WIS, 15+1 CHA
Background: Acolyte
Background Feature – Shelter of the Faithful
Proficiency Selections
Skills – Arcana (class), Persuasion (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background)
Tools – Thieves’ tools (background)
Languages – Common (race), Undercommon (race)
Starting Equipment
From Background: holy symbol, prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, 15 gp.
From Class: Light Crossbow and 20 bolts (Use until Level 5), Component Pouch, Dungeoneer’s Pack, two Daggers.
Purchasing Goals
- Quills, inks, parchment, and other items necessary to scribe scrolls.
Level 1
Divine Magic – Chaos.
Favored by the Gods – Use this for saving throws, not recommended for attack rolls.
Cantrips – +guidance, +fire bolt, +mind sliver, +ray of frost
Spells – +mage armor, +sleep, +cure wounds (Divine Magic), +bless (Fey Touched), +Misty Step (Fey Touched)
Level 2
Spells – –cure wounds, +healing word, +shield
Level 3
Metamagic – Subtle Spell, Twinned Spell
Spells – –sleep, +phantasmal force, +web
Level 4
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – War Caster
Sorcerous Versatility – Pick this optional class feature.
Cantrips – mold earth
Spells – –healing word, +aid, +absorb elements
Level 5
Magical Guidance – Pick this optional class feature.
Spells – –phantasmal force, +spirit guardians, +fireball
Level 6
Spells – +hypnotic pattern
Level 7
Spells – +polymorph
Level 8
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Inspiring Leader. You may pick Lucky if someone else in your party generates large amounts of temporary hit points, or if you find you really need the tail protection.
Spells – +counterspell
Level 9
Spells – +animate dead
Our fifth level spell slots are best used for upcasting spirit guardians. Animate dead is a great use for fourth level spell slots.
Level 10
Metamagic – Quicken Spell
Cantrips – +minor illusion
Spells – +banishment
Level 11
Spells – –polymorph, +heroes’ feast, +scatter
Level 12
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wis)
Level 13
Spells – +conjure celestial
Level 15
Spells – +antimagic field
Level 16
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert
Level 17
Metamagic – Heightened Spell
Spells – +wish
Level 19
Ability Score Improvement – +2 Cha
Hobgoblin Divine Soul Sorcerer
Optimization level: mid to mid-high.
Hobgoblin Divine Soul Sorcerers are capable of picking up the Moderately Armored feat at Level 4, being able to have a solid 18-19 AC just in time for spirit guardians. Having improved defenses is a precautionary measure, as the main source of defense while concentrating on spirit guardians is kiting enemies while their movements are halved by the effects of that spell. They will also take advantage of the ability to pick spells from the Cleric spell list, allowing access to great spells like bless, spirit guardians, and conjure celestial. Favored by the Gods is an excellent defensive ability that helps out a failed save, and Angelic Form gives you access to permanent concentration-free flight which is useful even when obtained near the end of a campaign.
Race – Hobgoblin
Ability Scores
9 STR, 13+1 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 13 WIS, 15+2 CHA
Background: Investigator
Background Feature – Wanderer
Proficiency Selections
Skills – Arcana (class), Persuasion (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background)
Tools – Thieves’ tools (background)
Languages – Common (race), Goblin (race)
Starting Equipment
From Background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From Class: Light Crossbow and 20 bolts (Use until Level 5), Component Pouch, Dungeoneer’s Pack, Two Daggers.
Purchasing Goals
- Quills, inks, parchment, and other items necessary to scribe scrolls.
- Half-Plate and Shield by Level 4. If Half-Plate is too expensive, Scale Mail suffices.
Level 1
Divine Magic – Law.
Favored by the Gods – Use this for saving throws, not recommended for attack rolls.
Cantrips – +guidance, +fire bolt, +mind sliver, +ray of frost
Spells – +shield, +sleep, +bless (Divine Magic)
Level 2
Spells – +mage armor
Level 3
Metamagic – Subtle Spell, Twinned Spell
Spells – –sleep, +phantasmal force, +web
Level 4
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Moderately Armored
Sorcerous Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.
Cantrips – +minor illusion
Spells – –mage armor, +absorb elements, +aid
Level 5
Magical Guidance – Pick this optional class feature.
Spells – –phantasmal force, +fireball, +spirit guardians
Level 6
Spells – +hypnotic pattern
Level 7
Spells – +polymorph
Level 8
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – War Caster
Spells – +counterspell
Level 9
Spells – +animate dead
Our fifth level spell slots are best used for upcasting spirit guardians. Animate dead is a great use for fourth level spell slots.
Level 10
Metamagic – Quickened Spell
Cantrips – +mold earth
Spells – +banishment
Level 11
Spells – –polymorph, +heroes’ feast, +scatter
Level 12
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wis)
Level 13
Spells – +conjure celestial
Level 15
Spells – +antimagic field
Level 16
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Telekinetic
Level 17
Metamagic – Heightened Spell
Spells – +wish
Level 19
Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky
Wow. I mean, I know Spirit Guardians is amazing, like bonkers bananas good, but so good that we don’t bother with *any* 5th level spells? No Synaptic Static, no Animate Objects, no Wall of Stone, no Bigby’s Hand?
realistically, dss dont have enough spells known to take all of those things. i would consider dropping fireball for synaptic at higher levels, but sg is just that good. the rest are all concentration and not as good for damage or utility (minus wall of stone, but the party clockwork soul/any wizard should be taking care of that)
do we really need three offensive cantrips? i’d rather just have fire bolt and mind sliver and have something nice like minor illusion
I think the idea is that firebolt is a utility cantrip, because it can target objects, then RoF is an attack roll with a nice rider, and mind sliver is an int save for back up. At least that’s what I’ve seen them say in other comment sections
Rime’s Binding Ice can be a good follow-up after casting Spirit Guardians.
Careful Web and/or Hypnotic Pattern is amazing as well.
Why Subtle before Quicken?
in longer (6-8 combat) adventuring days, quicken is just an unnecessary expenditure of resources. otoh, subtle adds utility that is more useful in more cases.
Im guessing the hobgoblin rounds off STR with Moderately Armored, and CHA with Telekenetic?
Yes, that’s correct.
Thoughts about going Tortle instead of Hobgoblin? You’re essentially giving up 2 AC for an extra feat.