Published: July 18, 2022

Last modified: July 19, 2022

DnD 5E Quick Build Series: Ranged Fighters [show]

Author: Moonsilver | Stefan

This article presents optimized, single-classed, ranged Quick Builds for every Martial Archetype of the Fighter class in D&D 5E.
Ranged Fighters are the best single-classed martial builds in the game: By utilizing the Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter feats, they offer excellent nova and sustained damage, while having the ability to apply said damage more reliably than any other martial character.

Adapting the Builds

If you want to adapt these builds to Variant Human from Custom Lineage, you can usually do so by simply picking +2 Dexterity instead of Piercer at level 6 and starting with 15+1 DEX 15+1 CON 15 WIS; or by picking +2 Dexterity instead of +1 DEX +1 INT at level 6 and starting with 15+1 DEX 14 CON 15+1 INT 10 WIS for subclasses that rely on Intelligence. Note that picking a race that does not grant a feat at level 1 will substantially decrease the power of these builds; in such cases pick Sharpshooter at level 4 and Crossbow Expert at level 6, but be aware that the build drops at least one optimization level until you reach level 6. If you have specific adaptation questions, the best place to ask is in our Discord server.

Arcane Archer

Optimization level: mid. This Arcane Archer build uses a longbow to deliver Arcane Shots for nova and then capitalizes on them with the hand crossbow and the classic Crossbow Expert plus Sharpshooter feat combo for good nova damage, decent utility, and passable consistent damage.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

8 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 15 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Wanderer.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Investigation (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Arcane Archer.
Arcane Shot – Grasping Arrow; great for kiting and in combination with forced movement from your party, this is the go-to single target option. Bursting Arrow; use this against 4 or more targets, 3 or more if they will die to the damage. Use your longbow when you want to deliver Arcane Shots, but use a hand crossbow at all other times.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement – +1 DEX, +1 INT.

Level 7

Arcane Shot – Banishing Arrow; it can be worth it to Ready your action and hit the opponent at the start of their turn so you can deny two actions rather than one.
Curving Shot – Make sure not to block out your Crossbow Expert bonus action by using this, as focus fire is a superior tactic to spreading out your damage.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Arcane Shot – Shadow Arrow; use this when your first attack hits, on a failed save, use Action Surge.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – +2 INT.

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – +2 INT.

Level 15

Arcane Shot – Seeking Arrow; use this to learn the location of relevant invisible enemies that took the Hide action.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom). Take this earlier than INT increases if you are making Wisdom saves frequently.

Level 18

Arcane Shot – Beguiling Arrow; use this against enemies that use area of effect attacks, such as dragons, and put the charm on the party member in the middle of your party to mess up their targeting.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Battle Master

Optimization level: mid.
This build uses the Battle Master martial archetype alongside the Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter feats to take out priority targets early on in a fight. It also maintains respectable consistent damage with efficient resource use.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 15 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Battle Master.
Combat Superiority (Battle Master feature) – Menacing Attack; to shut down melee-only enemies by stopping them from coming closer while no one is in their reach. Precision Attack; for added damage in your nova round. Trip Attack; especially useful if your first attack in a turn hits and you’ll be able to walk up into 5 feet range to the prone enemy and attack with advantage and Action Surge.
Maneuver Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.
Student of War (Battle Master feature) – Mason’s tools.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Piercer. Note that this increases your Dexterity modifier.

Level 7

Combat Superiority (Battle Master Feature) – Disarming Strike. Rally; make sure to use this at the start of the day and regain your Superiority Dice by taking a short rest before entering the dungeon. Alternatively, use it before your short rest ends and you have superiority dice remaining, like a pseudo-Inspiring Leader.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Combat Superiority (Battle Master feature) – Ambush, Maneuvering Attack.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 15

Combat Superiority (Battle Master feature) – Bait and Switch, Tactical Assessment.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).


Optimization level: mid (lower end).
Crossbow Expert + Sharpshooter Cavalier is a counterintuitive build, yet optimal for this subclass due to the oppressive strength of ranged builds in this game. Unexpectedly, many of its features – especially the ones at higher levels – work surprisingly well on a ranged build, often requiring you to hold a melee weapon between your turns. While its nova damage as well as consistent damage are nothing outstanding, it does come with an unusual amount of defense from its level 7 and 10 features.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 14 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). Make sure to buy a bunch of daggers (enough to be able to drop one per round of combat) to draw at the end of your turn and drop at the start of your turn for opportunity attacks and your level 7 feature. Ideally, by level 7 you have upgraded these to rapiers instead. At level 10, use whips instead for your 10th level feature. For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Cavalier.
Unwavering Mark – You are very unlikely to use this, but always keep in mind that you have the option of doing so—sometimes it’s worth it. You also get the Crossbow Expert bonus action attack after stabbing with a rapier.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement – +1 DEX +1 CON.

Level 7

Warding Maneuver – Make sure to always have a melee weapon in hand outside your turn so you can use this feature. Drop your weapon for free, fire your shots, and pick it up with your object interaction.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Hold the Line – Your off-turn melee weapon should now be a whip, to stop incoming creatures in their tracks.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 15

Ferocious Charger – Make sure to use this as often as possible to either generate advantage for yourself by walking into melee with Crossbow Expert, or to stop a creature from advancing effectively and to force it to dash.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).


Optimization level: mid (lower end).
Champion is a weak subclass with no relevant upsides, and we do not recommend that you play it. The most effective Champion utilizes Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter to kill priority targets with Action Surge while maintaining decent consistent damage after that. The build intentionally does not buy into Champion’s crit mechanic, as doing so results in a worse build.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 15 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Champion.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Piercer. Note that this increases your Dexterity modifier.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Additional Fighting Style (Champion feature) – Superior Technique (Trip Attack). Trip enemies, walk within 5 feet of them to gain advantage, and Action Surge.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).

Echo Knight

Optimization level: mid.
Crossbow Expert + Sharpshooter Echo Knight utilizes its Manifest Echo ability for unmatched Fighter defense and mobility while providing decent nova damage with Unleash Incarnation and average damage per round as with all CBE + SS builds.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 14 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). Also make sure to get one rapier for Unleash Incarnation. For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Echo Knight.
Manifest Echo – Use this to keep your distance from the opponent and to grant yourself half or three-quarters cover.
Unleash Incarnation – Use this for nova using your Rapier and Action Surge.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement – +1 DEX +1 CON.

Level 7

Echo Avatar – Lead Rules Designer Jeremy Crawford has stated that the intent of the ability is that you cannot do anything with your echo while using Echo Avatar other than scout with it, and that the feature’s text would be fixed in a future printing. As of June 2022, no such errata has been printed. Consult with your DM about the limits and uses of this ability.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement – +2 CON.

Eldritch Knight

Optimization level: mid.
Crossbow Expert + Sharpshooter Eldritch Knight utilizes its spellcasting for unmatched Fighter utility, area of effect capability, and strong defense while providing average nova damage and damage per round as with all the other CBE + SS builds.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

8 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 15 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Wanderer.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Arcana (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Eldritch Knight.
Spellcasting – fire bolt, mending; absorb elements, find familiar, shield.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Spellcasting – +protection from evil and good.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement – +1 DEX +1 INT.

Level 7

War Magic – Making three attacks deals more damage than casting booming blade and making one attack.
Spellcasting – +rime’s binding ice.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.
Spellcasting – +web.

Level 10

Spellcasting – +mold earth; +darkness.

Level 11

Spellcasting – +warding wind.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 13

Spellcasting –warding wind, +counterspell, +fireball.

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (Silvery Barbs).
Spellcasting – +sleet storm; +silvery barbs (feat), +misty step (feat).

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.
Spellcasting – +dispel magic.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.
Spellcasting – +banishment.

Level 20

Spellcasting – +rope trick.

Psi Warrior

Optimization level: mid.
Psi Warrior uses the combo of Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter to deal decent damage to priority targets early in a fight while having outstanding consistent damage through very efficient resource use and bringing one of Fighter’s best utility packages. Scales unusually well into late Tier 3 and 4.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

8 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 15 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Wanderer.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Investigation (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Psi Warrior.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement – +1 DEX +1 INT.

Level 7

Telekinetic Adept – Psi-Powered Leap; this can be useful for out of combat traversal, or to hit enemies that are in tricky positions. Telekinetic Thrust; a save to knock creatures prone that doesn’t have a size restriction, especially against flying creatures – this is a primary source of damage generation for us, as we can walk into melee range to a prone enemy and attack them at advantage.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Guarded Mind – Psychic damage isn’t common, but being able to expend a Psionic Energy die to end the charmed or frightened condition and still have your entire upcoming turn is a great defensive feature.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – +2 INT.

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – +2 INT.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Purple Dragon Knight / Banneret

Optimization level: mid (lower end).
Purple Dragon Knight is a weak subclass with slight bonuses to party health sustain and a small synergy with Rogues starting at level 10; we do not recommend that you play it. The most effective Purple Dragon Knight utilizes Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter to kill priority targets with Action Surge while maintaining decent consistent damage after that.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 15 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Purple Dragon Knight / Banneret.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Piercer. Note that this increases your Dexterity modifier.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).

Rune Knight

Optimization level: mid.
This Rune Knight build uses the Crossbow Expert and Sharpshooter feats, as well as oversized weapons while enlarged by Giant’s Might to do great nova and consistent damage at range, while also providing party support via its runes; all on a really strong defensive shell as well, thanks to the Hill Rune. If your DM ignores oversized weapon rules, nothing about the optimal build path changes, just use worse weapons, or play a flagship build instead.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 15 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Insight (background).
Tools – Mason’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). Also, if your DM rules that your enlarged weapons from Giant’s Might don’t automatically count as oversized, make sure to get an oversized version of the following weapons (in order of descending importance): hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, longbow. For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Rune Knight.
Rune Carver – Fire Rune; try to use this for Action Surge nova turns or use it on crits for double damage. Cloud Rune; use this to redirect critical hits.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Piercer. Note that this increases your Dexterity modifier.

Level 7

Rune Carver – -Fire Rune; +Storm Rune; try to use this on save-or-suck spells as much as possible, given no other opportunity, give yourself advantage; +Hill Rune; use this liberally to save hit points.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 10

Rune Carver – +Fire Rune.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Resilient (Wisdom).

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 15

Rune Carver – +Stone Rune; try to use this before activating Storm Rune.

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).


Optimization level: mid.
This build uses Samurai’s Fighting Spirit feature alongside the Sharpshooter feat to take out priority targets early on in a fight. It also maintains decent consistent damage with Crossbow Expert. This build has slightly less damage than Battle Master in the early game, but overtakes it in damage later on.

Race: Custom Lineage

Feat – Crossbow Expert.
Variable Trait – Darkvision.

Ability Scores

10 STR, 15+2 DEX, 14 CON, 8 INT, 15 WIS, 8 CHA

Background: Investigator

Background Feature – Researcher.

Proficiency Selections

Skills – Athletics (class), Perception (class), Stealth (background), Survival (background).
Tools – Smith’s tools (background), thieves’ tools (background).
Languages – Common (race), Dwarvish (race; can be any language).

Starting Equipment

From background: magnifying glass (sell this), evidence from a past case (item 47, black thread), common clothes, 10 gp.
From class: chain mail (a1), a hand crossbow and a longbow (a2), light crossbow (sell this) and 20 bolts (a3), dungeoneer’s pack (a4).

Purchasing Goals

Sell the superfluous items you got at character creation. Get enough bolts and arrows, scale mail (eventually half plate, and then studded leather once your DEX reaches 20). For everything else refer to the mundane item guide.

Level 1

Fighting Style – Archery.
Fighting Style Options (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 3

Martial Archetype – Samurai.
Bonus Proficiency – Insight.

Level 4

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Sharpshooter.
Martial Versatility (TCoE) – Pick this optional class feature.

Level 6

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Piercer. Note that this increases your Dexterity modifier.

Level 8

Ability Score Improvement – +2 DEX.

Level 12

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Lucky.

Level 14

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Alert.

Level 15

Rapid Strike – Use this whenever possible. Two attacks is better than one with advantage (because in the case where both d20 rolls would be a hit, attacking with advantage would only yield one hit instead of two).

Level 16

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Fey Touched (gift of alacrity, fallback option is bless).

Level 19

Ability Score Improvement (Feat) – Tough.

16 Replies to “DnD 5E Quick Build Series: Ranged Fighters”

  1. Any chance you do a ranged martial that doesn’t use XBE? I know flavour is free, but I’d love to play a bow user who has a mechanical reason to not be using a hand crossbow

    1. The problem is that in tier 1, crossbow expert is a huge buff. If you are starting at a higher level then taking bugbear and following the gloomstalker flagship with a bow instead gives you a great build.

      You could always talk to your DM about making a ‘longbow expert’ feat which gives a bonus action attack.

      If it really has to be a bow, from level 1, following standard rules, I wonder about being a bugbear gloomstalker and starting with one level of twilight cleric so you should get to use surprise attack fairly reliably?

    2. There’s very few characters that have a mechanical reason to do so. I think the chance is definitely there because bows on Monks look promising, but figuring out the math for them to make correct decisions is a ton of effort requiring specific skills…
      Aside from that, when starting at higher levels, Bugbear can sometimes be a valid alternative (especially in combination with a hexblade 1 dip for Hex and Shield)

  2. Could there be room to swap in Elven Accuracy on the Samurai to take advantage of that…. Advantage?

    1. Yes, but then you have to take a race that cannot pick up Crossbow Expert at level 1, thus hurting your damage per round outside of Fighting Spirit + Action Surge turns A LOT until level 8 where you can finally pick up Crossbow Expert.
      Something like any elf with 15+2 DEX at level 1 into Sharpshooter at 4, Elven Accuracy at 6, Crossbow Expert at 8 is certainly a viable build and has more internal synergy, and it in fact overtakes the feat at 1 race in power eventually – but it does so at the cost of an abysmal levels 1-5 (only clocking in as a low to low-mid op build until then) and still lower DPR (though higher nova) until level 11 where it (if i recall correctly) does start overtaking in DPR.
      Overall something I’d consider for a campaign that maybe starts at level 5 or later, but not something I’d recommend for the typical games people play that start at 1 and slow level up to levels 7~9 before ending/falling apart.

  3. I guess I’m dumb, but I thought Crossbow Expert didn’t work with longbow? I thought you had to use a one-handed weapon or no weapon in your offhand to get the bonus action attack, but all these builds seem to have a longbow. What am I missing?

    1. Range! Longbow lets you be effective at up to 600ft away, even if you cannot use the CBE bonus attack, consider how much damage that is adding while the enemy has to spend rounds closing the distance. Then you switch to the hand crossbow when they are within 120ft.

    2. To clarify kobo1d’s comment: the handcrossbow is your primary weapon, the longbow is a backup for when stuff is out of range.
      EVERY character in 5e should carry a longbow because being able to attack is vastly better than not being able to attack at all (and the longbow is the longest range weapon that lets you do that).

  4. I like the builds but the Arcane Archer one feels like the one that shouldn’t be using Crossbow Expert. Sure, CBE is a better bonus action attack than Curved Shot. But if you’re going to completely neglect that feature, and you’re only pulling out the longbow twice per short rest, why aren’t you just reflavoring battlemaster manuevers to be magical at that point?

    Things become even more awkward if you have a +1 longbow but are still rocking a non magical hand crossbow (or vice versa)

    Still love the builds but if I were going to play the AA one I’d ditch CBE for Sharpshooter, take the mathematical loss, and use the extra feat slot to get all the other feats one ASI earlier

  5. The idea that the cavalier has a melee weapon and drops it and picks it up again every round got me thinking; why not do the same thing with a shield for every hand crossbow build?

    I find it hard to believe that no one has thought of this before, is there some reason you don’t recommend it?

    1. Unequipping / doffing a shield explicitly requires an Action, while weapon dropping is free according to developer tweets (RAW the latter is unclear).
      So shield swapping definitely doesn’t work, since you don’t want to spend your actions equipping and unequipping the shield.

  6. If I’m using a race that doesn’t get a feat at level 1, and I have to wait until level 4, would you recommend starting with SS or XBE first?


    1. It’s most likely better to start with Sharpshooter. CBE has a slight DPR advantage at level 4 with neutral rolls, even after taking into account the sharpshooter’s ability to use a longbow or heavy crossbow, but that situation flips from level 5 onwards because of Sharpshooter benefiting more from Extra Attack. This also doesn’t factor Advantage, Action Surge, Precision Attack, or any other uses of your bonus action you happen to have.

      Additionally, Sharpshooter’s other effects are likely better to have than Crossbow Expert’s, particularly negating cover.

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